• Supermarkets
Monday, 18 January 2010 09:39

The sloe gin is good…and reviews that are bad.

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Tasted my sloe gin over Christmas - very nice.

Some people have asked why I don't put bad reviews on here? Because there are too many restaurants serving ordinary or worse food - that's why. I could write something about mediocre food every day - the tiny overcooked overpriced portion of sea bass I had at a Bury hotel, or disgusting local Chinese takeaway or cheese on toast made with sliced white bread topped with a plastic wrapped cheese slice and melted in the microwave - I've had all of these. But I want to celebrate good food and hope that sooner or later you will tell me where it is. If you're not on here it's because I haven't been there or I have, and it isn't any good.

Thursday, 25 November 2010 08:15

Wine lists on i pads

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In the New York Times (yes, I'm that kind of girl...) I have just read an article about restaurants listing their wine lists on i pads and increasing sales by vast amounts. This is because people choose on average more expensive wines than they would from a tatty old book, perhaps because they can see much more information about the wine than usual and can cross reference things like the grape or the area. How long before that comes to Suffolk eh?

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